Research Activities
Research visit to Shin-Ichi Tanigawa, University of Tokyo, December 9-18, 2024.
Participation in semester programme "Geometry of Materials, Packings and Rigid Frameworks" at ICERM, Providence, Rhode Island, April 2025.
Participation in Heilbronn research group at Lancaster University, September 2024
June 10-14, 2024. Research visit to Fatemeh Mohammadi. KU Leuven, Belgium.
June 3-5, 2024. ICMS Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Geometric Rigidity, Graphic Statics and Engineering. London June 3-5
March 4-14 and April 8-18, 2024. Research visits to RICAM, Linz, Austria.
March 4-8, 2024: Conference talk. Landscapes of Rigidity Workshop, RICAM, Linz, Austria.
February, 2024. Research visit to Lancaster University.
January 17, 2024: Conference presentation. A Lower Bound Theorem for Centrally Symmetric Simplicial Spheres. Workshop on Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
January 8-11, 2024. Research visit with Derek Kitson and Sean Dewar at Mary Immaculate College, Thurles.
Nov. 27-Dec 7, 2023: Research visit with Bill Jackson and Shinichi Tanigawa at University of Tokyo.
Oct 4-11, 2023: Research visit from Fernando Szechtman, University of Regina.
Sept 1, 2023: Conference presentation. Rigidity of bar and joint frameworks: polyhedra and beyond, IMS Annual Meeting, University of Limerick.
July 14, 2023: Conference presentation. Global Rigidity of Line Constrained Frameworks. Workshop on Geometric Constraints: Materials, Graphs and Matroids, Rigidity and Packings, Fields Istitute, Toronto, Canada.
July 8, 2023: Conference presentation. Lower bound theorems for various classes of simplicial complexes. Alberta Topology Colloquium Peschkefest, BGI Research Station, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.
April 20, 2023: Conference presentation. Rigidity of Z_2-symmetric simplicial complexes and the lower bound theorem. Graph rigidity and applications, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
July 11, 2022: Symmetric contact systems of segments, pseudotriangulations and inductive constructions for corresponding surface graphs. Rigidity mini-symposium, British Combinatorial Colloquium, Lancaster, UK.
June 23, 2022: Global Rigidity for Line Constrained Frameworks, ILAS 2022, Galway, Ireland.
May 12, 2022: Rigidity, Combinatorics and Topology, Umeå Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Umeå, Sweden.